I had a good time creating the last batch of quote images and saw such a great response, so I decided to spend some more time this evening creating a few more.  Designing these I think really helps me to remember, not only the quotes, but the photographers and people who coined the phrases.  Please feel free to pin them to Pinterest or share them on Facebook.
Ansel Adams quote

Ansel Adams quote

Ansel Adams Quote

Ansel Adams Quote

Edward Steichen Quote

Eudora Welty quote

Helen Mirren isn’t a famous photographer, but I really liked this quote by her.
Helen Mirren Quote

Henri Cartier-Bresson quote

Robert Capa Quote

Susan Sontag Quote

Susan Sontag Quote

Yousuf Karsh Quote
This quote is not by a photographer but I thought it was pretty funny.
Abraham Lincoln quote

Thanks for checking out these quotes about photography. Hope you liked them!